Hair Care
An effective hair care discipline involves cleansing, toning, conditioning and the oiling routines carried out in a systematic fashion.
regular shampooing of hair frees it from dirt, thus cleansing it and giving it the much desired shiny look. But shampoos must be selected cautiously, according to your hair type- normal, oily or dry. For a specific hair type, a specific shampoo has to be used.
gentle massage of the hair leads to hair toning. It helps to stimulate the blood circulation leading to a healthy growth.
this is the most vital part of hair care. It aims at correcting the imbalance, caused due to harsh cleansing, sun or application of harsh chemicals such as hair lotions.
oiling at least once a week is necessary which improves the quality of hair. It strengthens the hair roots, removes dryness in hair, gets rid of dandruff and repairs hair damagae.The application of oil also facilitates the massage which helps in the circulation of blood. This inurn is responsible for good hair.